Link Free,Banner etc. |
Link Free As for our homepage, a link is free toward good individual, the group. Please link freely. Toward good individual, the group only. If the link of our homepage is put on the place where it is not so,please notice us. The individual ( or a group ) who wants put your URL on the "link list" of our homepage give us contact. Even if a child sees it, they should be the contents which a problem is not in. We put it so far as it is possible. |
A link by the form button Please copy from <font size=3> to </font>. You can link here if it is stuck on your homepage. You can change size if SIZE designation is changed. <font size=3> <!-- Begin Vote place for world peace --> <FORM ACTION="https://gfg22.com/index.html"> <INPUT TYPE="submit"VALUE="Vote place for world peace"> </FORM> <!-- End Vote place for world peace --> </font> This is a push button link with the form. It becomes this in the case as the above. |
Please put our banner in your homepage. Possibly, the life of 100 children may be saved. You are considered automatically by putting our banner as an honor earth citizen (group). Please register at Passport publishing office. Friendship ambassador 10-year-old Yumi |
A link by Banner ( The way of no use to copy and save Image ) Copy the contents of blow. Then put it on your homepage. A beard sometimes comes out if it isn't written by one line. <A HREF="https://gfg22.com/index.html" TARGET="_blank"> <IMG SRC="https://gfg22.com/aimg/world_E01.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="30" BORDER="0" ALT="Vote place for world peace"></a> You can see this in your homepage. |