ボイコの地震予知研究発表 2004/12/31更新


      予想            実際【世界標準時】
日本    2001/07/25    07/24 00:26:55  37.83N 141.72E  33.0 4.5M  B  福島県沖        1日差
      2001/08/27    08/25 18:13:50  44.93N 141.54E 254.1 4.5M  B  北海道北西沖      2日差
      2001/09/04    09/04 14:54:??  36.8?N 141.5?E  40.? MJ5.4    茨城県沖         
      2001/09/21    09/24 19:35:13  36.36N 139.94E  71.3 4.6M  B  日本の茨城県南部    3日差
      2001/09/28    09/29 09:32:28  28.28N 127.50E  33.0 4.8M  A  南西諸島の奄美大島西沖 1日差
      2001/10/02    10/02 08:19:49  37.73N 141.73E  42.8 5.0M  A  福島県沖         
      2001/10/12    10/11 15:09:29  42.07N 142.56E  99.6 4.6M  B  北海道南沖       1日差
      2001/10/15    10/16 15:49:18  43.31N 139.04E  33.0 4.6M  B  北海道西方沖      1日差
      2001/10/23    10/26 08:44:28  30.60N 141.74E  33.0 4.9M  A  伊豆諸島南部の鳥島の東沖 3日差
      2001/10/29    10/30 21:04:13  28.62N 128.27E  33.0 5.7M  A  奄美大島近海      1日差
      2001/11/29    11/29 07:34:16  24.40N 122.37E  57.9 4.8M  B  台湾付近        (10km差)
      2001/12/07    12/08 20:29:38  28.91N 130.10E  33.0 6.2M  C  奄美大島近海      1日差
      2001/12/19    12/18 04:03:01  23.98N 122.76E  33.0 6.8M  A  与那国島近海      1日差
      2002/01/15-16   01/16 13:33:10  23.95N 125.37E  33.0 5.2M  A  宮古島近海       
      2002/02/28    02/26 08:04:46  40.26N 142.54E  33.0 4.3M  B  岩手県北東沖      2日差
      2002/03/01    03/02 11:39:25  40.24N 142.12E  33.0 4.9M  B  岩手県北東沖      1日差
      2002/03/29    03/26 03:45:48  23.54N 123.91E  33.0 6.5M  A  石垣島南方沖      3日差
      2002/04/23    04/24 12:47:06  30.05N 142.43E  33.0 4.5M  B  伊豆諸島の南東     1日差
      2002/06/08    06/05 11:21     25.1 N 125.2 E  30k  M5.3     宮古島近海(世界時間)  3日差
      2002/08/01    08/02 23:11:39  29.32N 139.04E 424.5 6.2M  A  鳥島近海(伊豆諸島南西部)1日差
      2002/08/11    08/11 21:55:31  41.17N 142.47E  65.4 4.9M  A  青森県東沖(日本既出)  
      2002/12/28    12/28 18:38:20  28.79N 129.57E  33.0 4.7M  A  奄美大島近海  
      2003/02/17    02/16 03:03:49  37.48N 140.92E  83.3 5.0M  A  福島県東部(日本既出)  1日差
      2003/03/06    03/05 06:38:01  28.92N 143.44E  33.0 4.7M     日本の小笠原北部    1日差
      2003/03/29    03/27 20:35:10  28.50N 139.46E 464.9 4.4M     日本の小笠原北西部   2日差
      2003/04/01    04/02 19:08:44  24.20N 122.53E  55.6 4.7M  A  日本の南西諸島南端   1日差
      2003/04/29    04/29 13:53:16  43.72N 147.73E  60.5 6.0M  A  日本の北海道東方沖   
      2003/05/16    05/17 14:33:11  35.67N 140.42E  62.6 5.1M  A  日本の千葉県北東部   1日差
      2003/05/28    05/26 09:24:32  38.86N 141.49E  68.2 7.0M     日本の宮城県北東端   2日差
      2003/06/08    06/08 04:58:33  34.15N 136.35E 377.8 4.7M  A  日本の三重県中部   
      2003/06/10    06/10 07:24:02  38.85N 141.55E  56.0 4.7M  A  日本の宮城県北東端   
      2003/06/19    06/19 10:44:24  26.54N 128.50E  33.0 5.2M  A  日本の沖縄本島近海   
      2003/06/23    06/22 03:26:23  32.36N 142.36E  33.0 4.4M  B  日本の伊豆諸島中部   
      2003/07/19    07/18 03:32:45  39.00N 141.44E  76.7 4.7M  A  日本の岩手県南端   1日差
      2003/07/23    07/23 05:01:00  32.70N 142.60E  33.0 4.7M  A  日本の伊豆諸島中部   
      2003/07/31    08/01 13:46:48  32.75N 141.16E  79.2 5.1M  A  日本の伊豆諸島中部   1日差
      2003/08/04    08/04 11:57:16  36.52N 140.40E  83.2 4.5M  A  日本の茨城県中部   
      2003/08/08    08/08 00:51:34  38.75N 141.10E  33.0 4.6M  A  宮城県北部   
      2003/09/02    08/31 21:57:46  30.56N 138.52E 418.0 4.4M  B  日本の伊豆諸島南西部   2日差
      2003/09/09    09/07 10:42:22  25.54N 124.70E 123.9 5.1M  A  日本の南西諸島南部   2日差
      2003/09/25    09/25 19:50:07  41.86N 143.79E  33.0 8.3M  A  日本の北海道南部の十勝沖   
      2003/09/26    09/26 01:39:11  41.69N 144.04E  33.0 4.7M     日本の北海道南部の十勝沖   
      2003/09/27    09/27 22:12:01  28.95N 128.26E  10.0 5.7M  A  日本の南西諸島中部   
      2003/10/09    10/08 09:06:55  42.66N 144.49E  32.0 6.7M  A  日本の北海道南東の釧路沖   1日差
      2003/10/25    10/25 01:05:37  41.68N 144.74E  64.6 4.4M     日本の北海道南部の十勝沖   
      2003/11/06    11/06 03:30:52  38.07N 142.52E  33.0 4.7M  B  日本の宮城県沖   
      2003/11/09    11/09 08:25:51  29.64N 130.50E  33.0 4.9M     日本の南西諸島北部   
      2003/11/21    11/21 19:15:28  42.33N 144.63E  33.0 4.7M     日本の北海道南東の釧路沖   
      2003/12/02    12/03 14:11:14  42.48N 144.65E  33.0 5.9M  A  日本の北海道南東の釧路沖   1日差
      2003/12/18    12/18 21:26:42  43.23N 146.37E  75.5 5.0M  A  日本の北海道東沖   
      2003/12/31    12/30 07:35:55  43.09N 146.88E  33.0 5.2M  A  日本の北海道東沖   1日差
			     02/23 11:12:34  32.74N 137.58E 341.3 4.4M  B  日本の伊豆諸島中部西沖(中部南沖)   3日差
			     03/15 03:59:58  36.30N 141.68E  42.3 4.8M  A  日本の茨城県沖     
      2004/09/15    09/16 00:16:08  40.97N 141.49E 109.1 4.7M  B  日本の青森県東部   1日差
      2004/10/08    10/07 19:26:43  42.43N 143.03E  47.7 5.1M  A  日本の北海道南部   1日差
      2004/11/10    11/11 10:02:47  42.10N 144.30E  40.2 6.4M  A  日本の北海道南東沖   1日差
      2004/11/19    11/19 08:40:32  33.56N 142.69E  74.3 4.5M     日本の伊豆諸島北部の東沖   
      2004/11/21    11/22 14:57:36  41.88N 143.93E  14.7 5.1M  B  日本の北海道南部えりも岬南東沖 1日差
      2004/11/25(11月たぶん群発地震) 11/25 19:50:51  27.21N 128.50E  30.0 4.2M     日本の南西諸島中部(日本既出) 
      2004/12/07    12/06 14:15:12  42.91N 145.20E  36.8 6.8M  A  日本の北海道東部沖(日本既出) 1日差
      2004/12/19    12/19 05:22:50  36.55N 141.38E  37.4 4.8M  A  日本の茨城県沖(日本既出)   

イタリア  2001/07/23,17時 該当なし。 しかし、イタリアのシチリア島のエトナ山は25日夜から活発化している。
      2001/08/12,08時 08/12 14:22:25  35.94N  10.01E  33.0 4.5M  B  チュニジア北東部(6時間差、180km差)
      2001/10/14,12時 ?
      2001/11/10,10時 11/07 09:40:43  41.39N  10.11E  10.0 4.6M  A  イタリア南西沖(73時間差)
      2001/11/26,00時 11/26 00:56:55  43.45N  12.25E  10.0 4.6M  B  イタリア中央      
      2001/12/25,23時 ?
      2002/12/24,16時,非常に強い,エトナ山活動(?) 11月から12月にエトナ山活動
               12/23 04:02:34  39.20N  20.39E  33.0 4.5M  A  ギリシアとアルバニアの境(36時間差、200km差)
      2003/02/02    02/04 11:51:15  43.04N  16.32E  33.0 4.5M  B  クロアチア(2日差、150km差)
      2003/02/07    ?
      2003/02/10    ?
      2003/02/17    ?
      2003/02/19    ?
      2003/03/04    ?
      2003/03/16    ?
      2003/03/19    ?
      2003/04/15    04/11 09:26:56  44.82N   8.83E  10.0 4.8M     イタリア北部  (4日差)
      2003/04/25    ?
      2003/05/02    04/30 14:12:09  43.07N  15.45E  10.0 4.4M  B  アドリア海(イタリアとクロアチアの間)  (2日差)
      2003/05/27    05/27 17:11:29  36.87N   3.70E  10.0 5.8M     アルジェリア北部 (500km差)
      2003/05/29    05/29 02:15:00  36.86N   3.36E  10.0 4.9M     アルジェリア北部 (500km差)
      2003/06/07       ?
      2003/07/04       ?
      2003/07/06       ?
      2003/08/04       ?
      2003/08/19       ?
      2003/08/29       ?
      2003/09/12    09/14 21:42:50  44.32N  11.36E  10.0 5.2M  A  イタリア北部 (2日差)
      2003/09/16       ?
      2003/09/24       ?
      2003/10/11    10/13 02:26:27  44.01N   7.10E   2.0 2.4M     イタリア北部 (2日差)
      2003/10/27       ?
      2003/11/09    11/08 14:52:13  44.07N  11.32E  10.0 2.6M     イタリア北部 (1日差)
      2003/11/18    11/17 19:16:33  44.51N   7.30E   2.0 1.8M     イタリア北部 (1日差)
      2003/12/15    12/18 19:28:59  44.49N   7.30E   5.0 2.1M     イタリア北部 (3日差)
      2003/12/21    12/24 09:24:38  44.48N   7.00E   5.0 2.8M     イタリア北部 (3日差)
      2004/09/04    09/07 00:58:38  44.27N  12.16E  10.0 3.0M     イタリア北部 (3日差)
      2004/10/14       ?
      2004/10/27       ?
      2004/11/06       ?
      2004/11/21       ?
      2004/11/22       ?
      2004/11/23       ?
      2004/11/24    11/24 22:59:39  45.66N  10.64E  15.0 5.3M     イタリア北部
      2004/11/25(11月たぶん群発地震)  ?
      2004/12/04    12/07 02:19:38  45.95N  12.34E  10.0 3.2M  A  イタリア北部 (3日差)
      2004/12/10    12/09 02:44:24  42.82N  13.80E  10.0 4.2M  A  イタリア中部 (1日差)
      2004/12/16    12/18 09:12:48  40.90N  10.20E  10.0 5.0M     イタリアのティレニア海 (2日差)
      2004/12/22       ?

トルコ   2001/08/11,21時 08/12 18:31:27  40.07N  33.99E  10.0 4.5M     トルコ(21時間差)
      2001/08/19,03時 08/20 18:50:39  40.25N  42.13E   5.0 4.4M     トルコ(39時間差)
      2001/09/21,08時 09/23 21:16:13  37.67N  20.90E  33.0 4.6M  B  ギリシアのイオニア海(61時間差、400km差)
      2001/09/28,20時 09/26 04:19:56  35.14N  27.06E  33.0 5.1M  B  ギリシア(64時間差、50km差)
      2001/10/25,12時 ?
      2001/11/15,05時 11/14 19:55:44  38.12N  23.68E  10.0 4.5M  B  ギリシア(10時間差、250km差)
      2001/12/19,09時  ?
      2002/01/22       01/22 04:53:53  35.73N  26.70E  99.0 6.3M  A  ギリシアのクレタ島(100km差)
      2002/03/18       03/17 04:15:49  42.31N  45.63E  42.0 4.4M  B  グルジア東部(1日差、200km差)
      2002/03/26       03/26 03:01:49  38.93N  24.57E  33.0 4.1M  B  ギリシアのエーゲ海(150km差)
      2003/02/18     ?
      2003/02/23     ?
      2003/03/09     ?
      2003/03/29     ?
      2003/03/31     ?
      2003/04/27     ?
      2003/05/02       05/01 00:27:04  38.97N  40.46E  10.0 6.4M  A  トルコ東部(1日差)
      2003/05/16       05/13 19:52:36  35.39N  34.41E  74.3 4.4M     キプロス(3日差、100km差)
      2003/06/11       06/09 17:44:03  40.52N  27.92E  10.0 4.6M     トルコ西部(2日差)
      2003/06/19       06/22 23:46:23  39.01N  27.99E  33.0 4.2M  B  トルコ西部(3日差)
      2003/06/26       06/26 16:01:05  38.12N  26.99E  40.0 3.2M     トルコ西部 
      2003/07/04       07/05 21:58:32  40.28N  26.20E  33.0 4.0M  B  トルコ西部(1日差)
      2003/07/18     ?
      2003/07/22       07/23 04:56:05  38.21N  28.77E  33.0 4.9M  A  トルコ西部(1日差)
      2003/08/01     ?
      2003/08/06     ?
      2003/08/19       08/20 02:51:03  38.24N  38.84E  10.0 4.0M  A  トルコ東部(1日差)
      2003/09/02     ?
      2003/09/09     ?
      2003/09/24       09/24 08:13:10  39.54N  38.27E  10.0 4.7M     トルコ東部 
      2003/10/08     ?
      2003/11/08       11/05 07:56:02  37.32N  27.99E  37.0 4.1M     トルコ西部(3日差)
      2003/11/20     ?
      2003/12/27       12/23 12:23:36  39.88N  29.23E   9.1 4.8M     トルコ西部(4日差)
      2004/08/21       08/18 05:57:00  36.77N  34.28E  10.0 4.4M  A  トルコ中部(3日差)
      2004/10/11     ?
      2004/10/29       11/01 17:14:35  39.22N  28.69E   8.4 3.4M     トルコ西部(3日差)
      2004/11/13     ?
      2004/11/19     ?
      2004/12/23       12/20 23:02:17  37.03N  28.29E  30.6 5.3M  A  トルコ西部(3日差)

ギリシア  2001/07/28,05時 07/26 00:21:37  39.08N  24.33E  10.0 6.5M  A  ギリシアのエーゲ海 53時間差
      2001/08/12,05時 08/13 14:26:14  42.62N  26.48E  33.0 4.8M  A  ブルガリア(33時間差、100km差)
      2001/08/18,12時 08/17 03:15:09  38.42N  14.63E 239.8 4.3M  B  イタリア(33時間差、500km差)
      2001/09/01,00時 09/02 06:59:23  38.13N  20.27E  33.0 4.5M  B  ギリシア 30時間差
      2001/09/09,05時 ?
      2001/09/14,10時 09/13 15:42:52  35.51N  25.93E  54.8 5.1M  A  ギリシアのクレタ 19時間差
      2001/09/19,14時 09/16 02:00:50  37.26N  22.05E  33.0 5.3M  A  ギリシア南部 84時間差
      2001/10/06,02時 ?
      2001/12/06,04時 12/10 19:49:55  37.50N  23.78E  33.0 4.6M  B  ギリシア南部 111時間差
      2001/12/27,22時 12/30 04:06:28  34.78N  27.37E  33.0 5.0M  A  地中海東部(クレタの南東) 54時間差
      2002/01/24      01/26 20:05:36  37.26N  21.11E  33.0 4.7M  B  ギリシア南部 2日差
      2002/02/17      02/19 10:12:17  35.99N  27.78E  33.0 4.2M  A  ギリシア 2日差
      2002/02/20      02/21 08:40:37  36.73N  21.78E  33.0 4.1M  B  ギリシア南部 1日差
      2003/02/04      02/05 22:39:01  34.47N  26.25E  33.0 4.3M     ギリシアのクレタ 1日差
      2003/02/10      02/09 09:47:41  36.37N  21.95E  66.7 4.4M  B  ギリシア南部   1日差
      2003/02/23      02/24 13:10:56  38.10N  21.97E  33.0 3.6M  B  ギリシア     1日差
      2003/03/02      03/01 04:06:01  34.65N  23.76E  33.0 4.7M  A  ギリシアのクレタ 1日差
      2003/03/05    ?
      2003/03/06      03/06 23:11:55  37.70N  22.15E   3.0 3.2M     ギリシア南部      
      2003/04/17      04/17 10:01:13  38.51N  20.49E   5.0 3.4M     ギリシア        
      2003/04/25    ?
      2003/04/28      04/29 01:51:19  37.00N  21.86E  35.7 5.0M  A  ギリシア南部   1日差
      2003/04/30      05/01 20:04:50  38.31N  20.30E  33.0 4.1M  A  ギリシア     1日差
      2003/05/02      05/04 11:00:33  38.19N  26.88E  10.0 4.4M     トルコ西部    (2日差、50km差)
      2003/05/10      05/08 18:35:22  34.06N  25.22E  33.0 4.4M     ギリシアのクレタ 2日差
      2003/05/12      05/15 19:34:22  36.54N  27.64E  10.0 4.2M  A  ギリシア     3日差
      2003/05/25    ?
      2003/05/30      05/30 10:47:12  34.91N  26.03E  33.0 4.7M  B  ギリシアのクレタ 
      2003/06/07      06/08 02:16:58  36.59N  23.24E  83.8 4.0M  B  ギリシア南部   1日差
      2003/06/21      06/19 03:38:21  38.51N  23.56E  16.3 4.6M  A  ギリシア         2日差
      2003/06/26      06/26 13:45:56  38.64N  23.61E  10.0 4.7M     ギリシア         
      2003/07/04      07/01 06:22:52  38.63N  23.67E  33.0 4.3M  B  ギリシア     3日差
      2003/07/10      07/10 21:49:42  34.21N  26.88E  11.0 3.7M     ギリシアのクレタ 
      2003/07/18    ?
      2003/08/02      07/31 22:28:33  36.58N  26.43E   5.0 3.4M     ギリシアのドデカネス諸島 2日差
      2003/08/15      08/14 20:46:50  38.85N  20.51E  10.0 4.7M  A  ギリシア     1日差
      2003/08/19      08/17 15:37:14  38.60N  20.54E  10.0 4.6M  A  ギリシア         2日差
      2003/08/31      08/28 01:16:30  39.19N  20.66E  33.0 4.2M     ギリシア     3日差
      2003/09/11      09/13 13:46:14  36.76N  26.91E 149.0 4.9M  A  ギリシア         2日差
      2003/09/16      09/15 20:13:12  34.90N  26.23E  10.0          ギリシアのクレタ 1日差
      2003/09/24    ?
      2003/09/28    ?
      2003/10/08    ?
      2003/10/11    ?
      2003/10/13      10/16 22:44:41  36.49N  22.98E  33.0 4.7M  A  ギリシア南部   3日差
      2003/10/21    ?
      2003/11/09      11/06 05:08:26  38.93N  20.59E  15.0 3.6M     ギリシア        3日差
      2003/11/18      11/18 18:32:16  38.32N  22.07E   2.0 3.9M     ギリシア  
      2003/11/23      11/24 15:51:13  34.92N  25.09E  70.2 4.8M  B  ギリシアのクレタ 1日差
      2003/11/30      11/27 14:49:12  34.73N  25.04E  33.0 4.7M  B  ギリシアのクレタ 3日差
      2003/12/07      12/07 13:41:43  39.65N  24.23E  10.0 4.6M  A  ギリシアのエーゲ海  
      2003/12/15    ?
      2003/12/30      01/01 00:32:01  37.76N  21.07E   5.0 3.4M     ギリシア南部 2日差
      2004/08/02      08/03 13:11:32  36.93N  27.77E  10.0 5.2M  A  ギリシアのドデカネス諸島 1日差
      2004/08/03      08/04 03:01:07  36.92N  27.76E  10.0 5.5M  A  ギリシアのドデカネス諸島 1日差
      2004/08/16    ?
      2004/08/17      08/18 23:06:39  36.24N  27.49E  45.7 4.6M     ギリシアのドデカネス諸島 1日差
      2004/08/26      08/26 08:08:20  38.52N  22.06E  35.0 4.4M  B  ギリシア  
      2004/09/17      09/16 01:24:15  39.29N  19.58E 106.1 4.3M     ギリシア北西部ケルキラ 1日差
      2004/09/27      09/26 20:01:47  35.67N  23.07E  43.4 4.1M  B  ギリシアのクレタ 1日差
      2004/10/01-02   10/02 18:59:23  34.14N  26.22E  38.8 4.1M  C  ギリシアのクレタ  
      2004/10/10      10/10 20:27:16  37.94N  21.01E   0.0 3.7M     ギリシア南部  
      2004/10/12    ?
      2004/10/16    ?
      2004/10/29(10月たぶん群発地震)11/01 03:31:02  38.94N  21.32E   0.1 2.8M     ギリシア 3日差
      2004/11/06      11/06 23:07:27  39.88N  21.50E   0.0 2.7M     ギリシア  
      2004/11/12      11/12 02:48:32  36.25N  22.89E   6.0 3.0M     ギリシア南部  
      2004/11/19    ?
      2004/12/19      12/17 05:49:06  38.65N  23.82E  31.0 2.8M     ギリシア 2日差

ルーマニア 2001/08/18,08時30 ?
      2001/09/15,07時 ?
      2001/10/13,朝 ?
      2001/12/12,朝 ?
      2002/01/05 ?
      2002/01/24 ?
      2002/03/19 ?
      2002/04/26      04/26 06:31:04  42.46N  21.48E  10.0 4.1M  B  ユーゴスラビア南部 150km差
      2004/08/16 ?
      2004/08/19 ?

中国    2001/11/01,17時 10/31 17:07:35  36.44N  69.42E  33.0 5.0M  B  アフガニスタン北部(24時間差、500km差)
      2002/01/23       01/22 06:47:09  21.81N 121.69E  33.0 4.8M  B  台湾(1日差)
      2002/01/30       01/29 02:24:24  22.83N 121.51E  33.0 4.5M  B  台湾(1日差)
      2002/02/17 ?
      2002/02/19 ?
      2002/03/28 ?
      2002/03/31    03/31 06:52:50  24.41N 122.21E  33.0 7.1M  A  台湾東沖
      2003/02/07    02/09 05:21:02  23.81N 121.04E  33.0 4.2M  B  台湾(2日差)
      2003/02/10    02/11 10:36:21  32.50N  93.75E  33.0 5.1M  A  中国南中部(1日差)
      2003/02/23    02/24 02:03:44  39.63N  77.19E  33.0 6.4M  A  中国西部(1日差)
      2003/03/03    03/04 13:42:03  39.58N  77.59E  33.0 4.0M  B  中国西部(1日差)
      2003/03/06    03/06 20:55:51  39.54N  77.46E  10.0 4.4M     中国西部
      2003/03/08 ?
      2003/03/16    03/13 15:07:06  41.81N  89.01E  33.0 4.8M     中国北西部(3日差)
      2003/04/04    04/04 07:02:32  30.10N  80.02E  33.0 4.4M     中国西部とインドの境
      2003/04/15    04/17 00:48:37  37.51N  96.52E  10.0 6.4M  A  中国中部(2日差)
      2003/04/28    04/30 23:49:42  32.65N  93.01E  33.0 4.2M  B  中国南中部(2日差)
      2003/05/02    05/04 15:44:35  39.44N  77.09E  10.0 5.8M  A  中国西部(2日差)
      2003/05/11    05/13 19:30:41  37.12N  78.85E  33.0 4.8M     中国西部(2日差)
      2003/05/15    05/16 14:30:00  39.51N  77.13E  10.0 4.6M  A  中国西部(1日差)
      2003/05/27    05/25 04:31:57  39.49N  77.48E  33.0 4.5M  B  中国西部(2日差)
      2003/06/09    06/10 03:23:20  40.72N 111.33E  33.0 4.6M  B  中国北東部(1日差)
      2003/06/20 ?
      2003/06/23 ?
      2003/06/25 ?
      2003/07/04    07/03 06:05:23  35.72N  93.78E  33.0 4.9M  A  中国中部(1日差)
      2003/08/01 ?
      2003/08/06 ?
      2003/08/19    08/18 09:03:03  29.57N  95.61E  33.0 5.6M     中国中南部とインドの境(1日差)
      2003/08/28 ?
      2003/09/13    09/12 12:34:20  40.28N  77.79E  20.8 4.8M  A  中国西部(1日差)
      2003/09/24 ?
      2003/09/26    09/26 23:35:33  40.29N  77.07E  29.1 5.3M  A  中国西端  
      2003/10/12    10/11 01:36:08  43.18N  84.63E  33.0 5.1M     中国北西部(1日差)
      2003/10/22 ?
      2003/10/23    10/25 12:41:34  38.35N 100.96E  10.0 5.8M  A  中国中北部(2日差)
      2003/11/05    11/04 21:43:34  26.61N 100.88E  33.0 4.7M     中国南中部の雲南省(1日差)
      2003/11/07 ?
      2003/11/08    11/10 19:55:09  49.97N  87.57E  10.0 4.6M     ロシアと中国北西部の境(2日差)
      2003/12/04    12/02 23:26:47  31.05N 101.06E  10.0 4.8M     中国中部(2日差)
      2003/12/15    12/12 13:39:48  37.63N  94.58E  10.0 5.1M     中国中部(3日差)
      2003/12/27 ?
      2003/12/31    01/01 03:15:18  23.29N 121.68E  33.0 5.1M     台湾(1日差)
      2004/10/14    10/12 07:18:34  39.64N  75.66E  41.5 4.8M  B  中国西端(2日差)
      2004/11/07    11/10 04:21:10  28.37N  88.00E  10.0 4.2M  C  中国南西部(3日差)
      2004/11/19-24(たぶん群発地震) 11/20 23:09:26  30.08N 108.18E  10.0 4.6M     中国中部
      2004/12/06 ?

モンゴル  2004/09/28 ?

(ヤンボル) 2001/08/22,08~19時(一番の可能性は13時50分、他は10時と17時) ブルガリア時間(夏時間実施中)(GMT+2+1) ?
      2001/12/10,04~07時 12/10 19:49:55  37.50N  23.78E  33.0 4.6M  B  ギリシア南部(12時間差、600km差)
      2002/08/26,02時40分 ?
      2002/08/27( Yambol or s. Krupnik,plovdivsko ) ?
      2002/08/31( Yambol or s. Krupnik,plovdivsko )09/02 18:55:57  41.10N  19.95E  10.0 4.1M  B  アルバニア(2日差、550km差)
      2002/09/17,01時   09/19 09:19:42  37.88N  21.15E  10.0 4.7M  A  ギリシア南部(56時間差、600km差)
      2002/09/23,03時 ?
      2001/10/26,14時~ 10/29 20:21:48  38.86N  24.43E  33.0 5.0M  B  ギリシアのエーゲ海(78時間差、400km差)
      2001/11/21,15時~ ?
(ソフィア) 2002/04/20,20時30分 04/24 10:51:51  42.43N  21.52E  10.0 5.7M  A  ユーゴスラビア南部(88時間差、100km差)
      2002/03/23,16時30分 ?
      2002/05/11,18時   05/09 01:49:44  36.63N  23.18E  63.9 4.2M  A  ギリシア南部(64時間差、600km差)
      2002/08/16,21時30分 08/19 12:24:59  35.33N  26.01E  33.0 4.1M  B  ギリシアのクレタ(63時間差、800km差)
      2002/10/19,02時30分 ?
      2002/11/06,12時   11/06 09:12:44  37.83N  20.91E  10.0 5.0M  A  イオニア海(ギリシア西部)(3時間差、450km差)
      2002/11/24,08時30分 ?
      2002/12/12,14時30分 12/09 09:35:08  37.98N  20.17E  30.0 5.1M  A  イオニア海(ギリシアとイタリアの間)(77時間差、400km差)
      2002/12/18,03時   12/19 12:59:23  38.41N  22.36E  26.0 3.1M     ギリシア(34時間差、350km差)
(Strajica)  2001/12/10,08時 12/10 19:49:55  37.50N  23.78E  33.0 4.6M  B  ギリシア南部(11時間差、500km差?)
      2002/03/14,13時 ?
(Provadia)  2004/08/19,12時 ?

セルビア  2003/04/14,10時(ソフィアの西130km) ?

イラン   2002/02/12       02/14 20:06:21  36.75N  49.51E  33.0 4.4M  B  イラン西部(2日差)
      2002/02/28       02/27 15:49:13  27.27N  53.01E  33.0 4.5M  B  イラン南部(1日差)
      2002/03/15       03/13 11:45:53  30.38N  51.01E  33.0 4.4M  B  イラン(2日差)
      2002/08 震央は(35N-57E)付近,非常に強い(イランまたはイラク) ?
      2004/02/12 イラン南部 02/15 19:37:38  27.76N  52.33E  50.0 4.6M     イラン南部(3日差)
      2004/08/30       08/31 04:34:15  28.75N  53.55E  53.7 4.5M     イラン南部(1日差)
      2004/11/18-23    11/19 17:23:40  31.90N  48.98E  10.0 4.7M     イラン西部 8回
      2004/12/09       12/08 10:04:11  27.91N  57.52E  65.4 4.6M  B  イラン南部(1日差)
      2004/12/16   ?

      2002/03/29       03/27 08:52:51  35.98N  69.25E  10.0 5.6M  A  アフガニスタン(2日差)
      2002/04/23       04/25 01:46:03  37.44N  72.59E  70.1 4.9M  B  タジキスタン(2日差、50km差)
      2002/06/03       06/03 20:17:29  25.44N  63.54E  33.0 4.5M  A  パキスタン南西部(400km差)
      2002/06/21       06/19 15:48:25  27.28N  54.04E  33.0 4.6M  A  イラン南部(2日差、700km差)
      2002/07/06       07/04 19:54:22  37.54N  69.73E  33.0 4.4M  B  アフガニスタンとタジキスタンの境(2日差)
      2002/07/17 ?
      2002/07/29       08/01 16:25:44  36.52N  71.21E  33.0 4.7M  A  アフガニスタンとタジキスタンの境(3日差)
      2002/08/24       08/21 22:05:00  37.21N  71.58E  33.0 4.0M  B  アフガニスタンとタジキスタンの境(3日差)

      2003/07 強い地震 ?

      2003/06/19 19:00 ?
      2003/07/23 02:00 ?
      2004/09/07-08 ?
      2004/10/28 ?

      2004/05/07 強い地震05/08 05:13:25  35.65N 121.11W   0.0 3.2M     米国カリフォルニア州中部(1日差、300km差)
      2004/05/11 強い地震05/11 23:37:46  33.76N 118.98W   6.0 3.2M     米国カリフォルニア州南部
      2004/05/19 強い地震 大地震05/22 05:46:32  33.91N 118.14W  19.7 2.6M     米国西部ロサンゼルス(3日差)
      2004/06/18       06/19 18:03:55  33.97N 118.36W  11.8 2.5M     米国西部ロサンゼルス(1日差)
      2004/10/05       10/03 00:32:15  33.23N 115.69W   4.7 3.1M     米国西部カリフォルニア州南部(2日差)


 Subject: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:22:35 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Mr.,
My name is Boiko Iliev.I am from Veliko
Turnovo,Bulgaria.I have predicted 20 mearthquakes in
bulgarian newspapers.My latest prediction is about the
earthquake in Sofia,Bulgaria from 3th of April 2001.
Please,ask national newspaper
from 20th of March 2001.I was predicted the earthquake
in Greece from 7th of September 1999 in newspaper and
in Turkiye from the 17th of August 1999 with letter to
CNN,Atlanta,GA.But they do not read my letter.
I am predicted the earthquake with the moon,but not
with the moon phases.The moon made tides in the
The moon raising up the Earth crust with 55 sm.After
the earth in dept moving and made seismic activity.
The theory of seismologyst and geophysics about
earthquake is not completed.The theory is not true.
I am sorry.
If you are interesting about my theory, I send for you
my forecast for all world for all year 2001.
With Respect: Boiko Iliev


 Subject: earthquake prediction
    Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:24:35 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Mr. Yumi,
I was predicted 2 earthquake in China and in
Taiwan,please ask Mr.Chu-Chuan Peter Tsai from Taiwan:
I send for you some forecast,but you must write in
your newspapers these predictions and say in your
TV,use my name:Boiko Iliev form Bulgaria,Veliko
I want seen in My TV and read in Ny newspapers in
these my forecasts.
For Italy: 23 Juli 2001,17hours and 12th of August  
2001 8h by Grinouich.
For Turkiye: 11th of August 2001,21h
19th of August,03h
For Greece: 28th of Juli 2001,05h
18th of August 2001,12h
For Japan: 25th of Juli 2001 and 27th of August 2001.
For China:01nd of November 2001,17h
All hours is by Grinouich.
The mistake is 1 day,24 hours,this is normal.
I don't know intensity these earthquakes.The
seismologyst do not know for dates.This i s new.
My precursor is again seismic activity.
With Respect: Boiko Iliev


 Subject: thank you
    Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 22:01:39 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Mr. Yumi,
thank you.
Are you seismologyst?
I have other forecast.
For Strajica,Bulgaria-on the 10th of December 2001(8h)


 Subject: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 09:17:13 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr.,
I send you other dates in which will have earthquake.
Please put in your computer and say(send) to
journalist of your radio,TV and newspapers again.
For Japan: 4th of September,21th and 28th of
September,2nd of October,12th of October,15th of
October,23th of October,29th of October,29th of
November,7th of December and 19th of December
For Romania: 18th of Agust*8,30h),15th of
September(7h),13th of October(in the morning),12th of
For Italy: 14th of October(12),10th of
November(10),26th of November(0h),25th of
For Greece: 12th of August(5),1st of September(0),9th
of September(5h),14th of September(10h),19th of
September(14h),6th of October(2h),6th of
December(4h),27th of December(22h)
For Turkiye:21th of September(8),28th of
September(20h),25th of October(12h),15th of
November(5h),19th of December(9h)
Thank you.
With Respect: Boyko Iliev


 Subject: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 09:34:35 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr.,
Can you write in your web page the next my forecast
for Bulgaria?
The next earthquake in Yambol,Bulgaria will be on the
22th of August 2001 between 8h to 19h and maximum
passibality in 13h50min.Other houers:10h and 17h
Bulgarian time.This forecast I told in Super
Vision,regional TV in Yambol and next national
newspapers wrot that my prediction.


 Subject: New forecasts from Boyko Iliev
    Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:35:30 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr.,
I please you, delete prediction about Strajica on the
10th of December.
New forecast for Bulgaria:
Yambol:On the 10th of December 2001 between 4 and 7h
in the morning.
In Blagoevgrad-Sofia:
On the 26th of October 2001 after 14h
On the 21th of November 2001 after 15h
Thank you.I please you,geve me your appreciate about
my prediction.
With Respect: Boyko Iliev


 Subject: The new forecasts for 2002,Boyko Iliev
    Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 04:12:08 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr. Father of Yumi,
I send you my next forecasts for 2002 year and thank
you for you wrot my prediction in your web page.
The next earthquake in World:
For Bulgaria:
Strajica:14th of March-13h
Yambol:26th of August-2h40m;17th of September-1h and
23th of September-3h
Sofia:20th April-20h30m
Blagoevgrad:23th of March-16h30m;11th of may-18h;16th
of August-21h30m;19th of October-2h30m;6th of
November-12h;24th of November-8h30m;12th of
December-14h30m;18th of December-3h
The Normal error(mistake) is to 24hours.Other mistake
is to 2-3 days.Passibality for happened this
earthquakes more 90%.
For World:
Greece:24th of Yanuary;17th and 20th of february
Japan:15-16th of Yanuary;28th of february and 1nd and
29th of March
Romania:5th and 24th of Yanuary;19th of March;26th of
Turkiye:22th of Yanuary;18th and 26th of March
Iran:12th and 28th of February;15th of March
China:23th and 30th of Yanuary;17th and 19th of
February;28th and 31th of March
This are not all forecasts for World.I will send other
prediction.If you are have free time,please write
these all forecasts in your newspapers in Japan.
Thank you.
With Respect: Boyko Iliev


 Subject: Re: The new forecasts for 2002,Boyko Iliev
    Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 02:41:59 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr.,
I was predicted the earthquake in Afghanistan on the
26th of March in My earthquake calendar who I sale in
I send you the next earthquakes in Afghanistan:
29th of March;23th of April;3th of Iune;21th of
Iune;6th of July17th of July;29th of July;24th of
August and other.I woll send you after.
Thank you.
With Respect:Boyko Iliev


 Subject: predictions
    Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 00:11:31 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev    earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp
Dear Mr.,
I send for you the next earthquakes in Japan for 2002:
23th of April;8th of June;1st of August;11th of
August;28th of December
Thank you;
With Respect: Boyko Iliev


 Subject: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 05:30:20 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Mr.,

I send you the next my forecasts.

In Italy: On the 24th of December 2002. I think thjat
this earthquake will be very strongly.
In Iran or Irak,but I do not know where is epicentre
of this coordinations:Lat=37 and Long=57: On the
August 2002, I think this earthquake will be very
In Bulgaria( Yambol or s. Krupnik,plovdivsko ): On the
27th and 31th of August 2002.
Thank you.


 Subject: Re: The new forecasts for 2002.Boyko Iliev
    Date: 2002/11/30 01:45
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

dear Mr.,
I was predicted the earthquake in Italy on the 29-31th
of October 2002, but do not wrot in newspaper and I
wrot in my earthquake calendar.
I claim that, the next earthquake in Southern Italy
will be on the 24th of December,after 16 h.(UT).
I think, this earthquake will be very strongly and may
be the volano Ethna will working(?).
This forecast I wrot in national newspaper.
Please, put this forecast in wour page. Thank you.


 Subject: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:52:56 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear mr.,
I send you the dates in which will have earthquakes in
Balkan region and in your region and China:
            The forecasts for 2003 year:

          Greece   Turkey   Italy       China   Japan 

February:(4,10,23)(18,23)(2,7,10,17,19)(7,10,23) (17)
March:   (2,5,6)  (9,29,31)(4,16,19) (3,6,8,16)(6,29) 

April:(17,25,28,30) (27)   (15,25)    (4,15,28)(1,29) 
May:(2,10,12,25,30)(2,16) (2,27,29)(2,11,15,27)(16,28)

June:(7,21,26) (11,19,26)(7) (9,20,23,25) (8,10,19,23)
Juli: (4,10,18) (4,18,22)  (4,6)         (4)(19,23,31)
August:(2,15,19,31)(1,6,19)(4,19,29)  (1,6,19,28)(4,8)
October:(8,11,13,21)(8)    (11,27)    (12,22,23)(9,25)
November:(9,18,23,30)(8,20) (9,18)    (5,7,8) 
December:(7,15,30) (27)   (15,21) (4,15,27,31)(2,18,31)
Example:Greece  Turkey  Italy  China  Japan-5 Country
        (....)  (....)  (...)  (...)  (...)-5 (.....)

This dates are about region near this Countrys.
I am wrot this forecasts in Bulgarian newspapers.
The long forecast about Bulgaria: I claim that in
Bulgaria will have strongly earthquakes from 2003 to
2006 year in all epicentres.In
Sofia:(2003,2004-strongly),in Strajica:(2003,2004,?).I
know the dates,but do not make earthquake prediction
for Bulgaria.I do not say in newspapers the
dates,becouse the peoples do not make insurance from
me.My second work in Bulgaria is insurance agent.I
wrot this in newspapers and on others.
Thank you.
With respect: Boyko Iliev

 Subject: Re: new earthquake prediction
    Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 02:43:05 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Daar Mr.,

I sned you one date in which will have earthquake near
Bulgaria,130 km. left from Sofia of map.The ground
zero may be in Serbia,near Macedonia.
The earthquake will be on the 14th of April 2003,about
12h Bulgarian time.
Thank you.

 Subject: earthquake prediction for Egypt and Algeria
    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 02:57:04 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Mr.,

I claim that in Egypt,Kairo after month July 2003 will
have strongly earthquake.I know date,but do not
verifyng it.
I have proofs that predicted the earthquake in
I send you the next dates in will have earthquakes in
Algeria for 203.
Forecasts: On the 19th of June 2003,19h
           on the 23 of July 203,2h
Thank you.
With Respect: Boyko

 Subject: earthquake prediction
    Date: 3 Feb 2004 23:24:17 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: yumi         gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Sir,

Forecasts for Japan,Honshu:

On the 20th of February
2004,UT:(4-6h),Magnitude:Between 5 and 6.

On the 15th of March,UT:(6h),Magnitude:Between 5 and

Forecast for Southern Iran: On the 12th of February

Thank you.

Best Regards: Boyko

 Subject: Earthquake in LA
    Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 23:26:17 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: Yumi         gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Sir,

About Earthquake Prediction of seismologysts in Los
Angeles for 5th of September 2004 I claim:

In California,LA there will be a strong earthquakes on
the 7th,11th and 19th of May 2004.The Big One:--->19th
of May 2004.
On the 18th of June and 05th of October 2004.

In Greece:
On the 2,3th of August and 26th of August 2004.
Thank you.
With Respect: Boyko Iliev

 Subject: Earthquake in Balkan region
    Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 05:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: Yumi         gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Sir,

I send you the next earthquakes in Balkan region.
From 16th to 22th of August 2004 g in  Balkan region
there will be an earthquake storm.
Romania:16,19 avgust
Provadia(Bulgaria):19th August,12h
Greece:16th,17th August
Turkey:21th August

With Respect: Boyko Iliev

 Subject: The next  earthquakes in the World
    Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 02:46:01 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com 
      To: gfg          gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Sir,
I sned you the next earthquake prediction for the
World for 2004.
15th of September,8th of October,10th and 19th and
21th and 25th of November(maybe earthquake storm),7th
and 19th of December
Mongolia:28th of September
Algeria:7th-8th of September,28th of October
17th and 27th of September,1st-2nd and 10th and 12th
and 16th 29th of October(maybe earthquake storm),6th
and 12th and 19th of November,19th of December
4th of September,14th and 27th of October,6th and
21,22,23,24,25 of Novenber(maybe earthquake storm),4th
and 10th and 16th and 22th of December
14th of October,
7th of November,
>From 19th to 24th of November(maybe earthquake storm),
6th of December
30th of August,from 18th to 23th of November,9th and
16th of December
11th and 29th of October,13th and 19th of
November,23th of December
Thank you.
With Respect: Boyko Iliev

 Subject: Earthquake Prediction for 2005
    Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:02:41 -0800 (PST)
    From: Boyko Iliev  earthquakebg_2000@yahoo.com
      To: gfg          gfg@ic.netlaputa.ne.jp

Dear Sir,
I send you the forecasts for 2005,Month January.

Earthquake Prediction for 2005 

Location:     Date 
Greece: On the 5th of January,On the 31th of January  
Romania: On the 27th of January 
China: On the 2nd of January 
Iran: On the 18th of January 
Turkey: On the 27th of January 
Japan: On the 3th of January 
Los Angeles: On the 9th of January 
Mexico: On the 17th of January 
India: On the 18th of January 
Northern Bulgaria: On the 18th of January
            With Respect: Boyko Iliev